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Business Water Use in
The Car Maintenance Industry

Car Maintenance Industry Water Management

Car maintenance is a business that involves various methods, equipment, and chemicals in the repairing of automobiles.

In line with the rest of industry, the car maintenance sector has responded to increasing laws and regulations by adopting environmental policies.

The car maintenance industry uses a vast amount of water. The amount of water used in total depends on the size of the facility and the number of vehicles serviced. 

Water Usage In The Car Maintenance Industry

Water ought to be appropriately procured, correctly used, and safe when drained back into the public water system.

From large national companies to the local garage, the industry has been largely held accountable for its environmental footprint by statutory regulations.

Those policies naturally deal with water usage and sustainability in the car maintenance industry. 

Sustainability In The Car Maintenance Industry

There is no specific law on water that addresses the car maintenance industry in itself. Rather, the entire industry must comply with various statutory laws and regulations along with all other industries. The main laws with which the car repair sector must comply are:

  • Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011
  • The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005
  • The Environment Act 1990
  • The Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989


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How Castle Water Can Help

With an array of skilled professionals experienced in business water, Castle Water is at the forefront of affordable business water provision.

If companies want to improve their environmental credentials and reduce their water bills, they ought to use a trusted business water company like Castle Water.

It’s important that business water is monitored from source to drainage and Castle Water do just that for 350,000 customers across the UK.

How Many Litres Of Water Is In A Car Engine?

To keep a car maintained correctly, the engine must use water in certain functions. Water is also needed for window washers. On average, a car will store and use around 5 litres of water at a time.

What Percentage of Water is In Car Coolant?

Most cars will run off of a 50:50 ratio of water to coolant/anti-freeze. Due to the nature of the chemicals in car coolant, the water used in mixing needs specialised treatment before it can be re-used. Car maintenance shops are responsible for the safe handling of used coolant.

How Could Car Maintenance Water Harm The Environment?

If the car maintenance business did not follow the rules, fuel, coolant and other oil, anti-freeze and other fluids released by vehicles could be carried by stormwater to the nearest river, pond or watercourse.

Why Castle Water For Business Water?

Castle Water provides the sector-specific business water you need at an affordable price. We are the United Kingdom’s leading independent business water supply company.

We don’t just guarantee you a trusted, reliable business water supply source. We monitor the water use so that it complies with the law. When you’re done with the water, we ensure it’s safely and cleanly discharged back into the system.

Use our quote calculator to determine how much you could save on your business water overheads.

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