Wholesaler queries And requests

Your Wholesaler owns the water and wastewater network supplying your premises, including the water meter if there is one.

Some of the activities Castle Water carries out for our customers requires input from the Wholesaler.

Depending on the situation, the Wholesaler will investigate, carry out work at your premises, grant an allowance, or update the data we use to calculate your bills.

In England, customers can learn more about services that require input from the Wholesaler and request these services using our user-friendly webforms.

To get started, please log in to the online Portal
If you don’t have an account yet, you can register here.

Once you’re logged in, you can easily access the following forms:

Unless there is an emergency such as a problem with the quality of your water, an interruption to the supply, or sewer flooding, you should always contact your Retailer Castle Water in the first instance. We will pass your request or concerns to the Wholesaler using a “Bilateral” form, a formal service request in a prescribed format. We pay all charges to the Wholesaler on your behalf, so if something is wrong, we want to correct it as quickly as possible.

When we first contact your Wholesaler, we will let you know how long we expect things to take. The Market Codes set target response times for Wholesalers, and these vary depending on what we have asked them to do. Castle Water will keep in touch with your Wholesaler to make sure they have all the information they need and are aware of deadlines that are missed. We cannot force the Wholesaler to do things in a given timeframe, but we will keep you updated and will not hesitate to escalate with the Wholesaler if the service isn’t what it should be. If you have a query about something relating to your supply, the data held on you or something similar, let us know. We’ll be happy to help.