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Switch to Castle Water for award winning service and to save up to 20% on your business water
We want to talk to owners of water abstraction rights who are interested in securing additional income, especially if these are close to urban areas.
Email kirsty.cathcart@castlewater.co.uk for a no-obligation chat about your water abstraction licence.
Castle Water’s landmark project at Didcot to use water provided under abstraction rights for the dual purpose of generation and public water supply, has now been designated granted.
This is the first time the Environment Agency has changed an abstraction licence to a dual licence involving public water supply. This is great news for abstraction rights owners.
– Danuta, Castle Water customer
UK businesses that abstract more than 20 cubic metres of water a day must apply for a water abstraction licence from the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency will initially grant licences for between 6 and 18 years, with renewals generally lasting 12 years. Licences can be a business asset and are often included with the sale of land.
We want to talk to owners of water abstraction rights who are interested in securing additional income, especially if these are close to urban areas.
Email kirsty.cathcart@castlewater.co.uk for a no-obligation chat about your water abstraction licence.