How Much Does Business Water Cost?

There are a number of elements that make up your business water costs because water must undergo a series of processes before it even reaches your taps.

It’s only when you think about the importance of water in our lives, and you look at the work that goes on behind the scenes, that you realise what great value for money it actually is.

The total cost of your business water also depends on whether you have a meter or not. If you do not have a meter, your bill will be assessed on the rateable value of the property. So if you think you use less water than similar-sized premises, it may be a good idea to have a meter installed.

Unless you have a smart meter, your meter will be read periodically by a meter reader. We also encourage you to submit your own meter readings which will help us more accurately determine your bill at any given time – and this, in turn, will help you with budgeting. As an incentive, every time you successfully submit a meter reading, we will donate £1 to Save the Children.

  • What exactly are you paying for?
  • What if you think you’re being overcharged?
  • Take a water cooler moment

What exactly are you paying for?

A detailed bill will always help you work out what you’re being charged for, which is particularly important when it comes to working out whether your provider is offering good value for money. Castle Water’s new bill format provides a breakdown of the individual charges that make up the total bill.

What if you think you’re being overcharged?

If your water bill is larger than you were expecting, it is not necessarily because of a leak or an accounting error. Before you contact us, it is a good idea to investigate and eliminate other possible reasons for the increase. For example, could you have had higher footfall in your premises because of an event or seasonal usage? Have you installed new appliances that are using more water than you’d been expecting, or perhaps an appliance is faulty? It’s also a good idea to check your bill to make sure that the billing period covers the period you are thinking of or whether you are also being billed for a balance brought forward from a previous bill. This might be the case if you’ve recently had a water meter installed or replaced.

water cooler

Take a water cooler moment

If your office relies on the delivery of large plastic bottles of water, you may not be getting good value for money. Given that the quality of bottled water is the same as filtered tap water, your business may be paying more than it needs to in order to keep everyone hydrated. And in hot weather, when more water is used, you will probably run out between deliveries and end up buying bottles of water from the supermarket, costing your business even more. A cheaper and more reliable way to provide your staff with filtered and cooled water is to install a mains-fed water dispenser instead or a filtered tap that dispenses cold, hot and boiling water.

Contact us to find out how you can get more from your business water – you could save up to 20% on your water bills when switching your supplier to Castle Water.
