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Switch to Castle Water for award winning service and to save up to 20% on your business water
With one of the most memorable views in the country, there’s a reason why so many independent businesses call Greenock home; it’s a great place to live and work. As one of the main towns in Renfrewshire, the economy has shifted dramatically over time. What once was a hub for shipbuilding and shipping has now become a service and retail-based local economy. As an adaptable town, businesses need to welcome any change which can see water bills go down; something Castle Water knows all too well.
Knowledge and efficiency play a key role in how our team helps locals businesses. A salon of café on Newark St will have entirely different requirements from water than business in a larger retail unit off Greenock Road. Taking the time to understand a company and make better sense of water usage will deliver long-term results for anyone operating in Greenock. The first step is simply knowing more about how to switch water supplier, and understanding that it will not impact daily operations.
A business water supplier needs to help its customers in any way they can. Castle Water knows this but also knows that every business around Greenock will use water in a unique manner. That’s why business customers can partner with specialists in the area who know better than anyone else how to lower usage and bring costs down.
Businesses in Greenock can learn how to switch water suppliers to fully enjoy Castle Water services in the area, as well as benefit from reduced water bills. Click here and switch today.
Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges
On top of this, Castle Water can help customers with the likes of:
Find out more about services Castle Water provides customers in Scotland here.
Greenock sits right on the mouth of the Clyde as it splits down to the Firth of Clyde and up to Loch Long and Gare Loch. While anyone is guaranteed a good view out towards the water, it’s actually when you’re facing inland that you’ll find the main water supply for Greenock.
Loch Thom and the Gryffe Reservoir provide most of the water for the area. Due to how it is sourced, and the lack of treatment needed for water to enter the local network, Greenock has quite soft water.
Castle Water helps businesses of all sizes, especially smaller businesses in Greenock which may feel they don’t have the time or resources to commit to figuring out how best to deal with their water services.
No matter where you’re located, or what type of business you have, our team can help, especially businesses which may operate on a seasonal basis.
If you’d like to know more and get a rough idea of how much money can be saved on water bills, get a quote, and one of our customer service agents will be in touch.
The area may not have as large a manufacturing footprint as it used to, but there are still many large businesses dotted along the coastline which use a substantial amount of water every week.
Castle Water provides assistance in large business and multi-site water management, especially with regards to consolidated billing and water efficiency.
Have a business in Greenock and want to see improved services on the whole? Considering switching for multiple locations? Contact Castle Water today on 01250 718 700. Lines are open weekdays from 8 am. Our team can talk with you about your current billings and where they believe positive changes can be made.