Business Water Supplier Moray

Helping Businesses in Moray

Moray has one of the highest working-age populations in Scotland. The diverse layout of the county sees people working in everything from manufacturing and engineering to fishing, dairy and tourism. There are hundreds of businesses which rely on water every day, and each has to use it in a specific manner.

Many companies though, don’t know that they are entitled to better water tariffs and lower bills in the long-term. Castle Water helps businesses who want to switch to a new water company; one which will do its best to try and lower bills. Learn how to switch today.

Change Water Supplier in Moray

Save Water, Save Money.

Castle Water believes that every business should be able to follow this simple rule and that your business water services should be as uncomplicated as possible.

Businesses in Moray can change water suppliers with no hassle thanks to Castle Water. Get a quote today to see how we can help your business.


Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges

Paying bills, submitting readings and asking for help shouldn’t be something you don’t look forward to. Our team is trying to help businesses in Moray understand that switching to Castle Water helps open the door to a range of partner services, including:

  • Self-service online tools
  • Consolidated billing
  • Smart meter technology
  • Water audits
  • Help with new connections
  • Trade effluent management
  • Wastewater heat recovery

You can see some of the specific services we can help kickstart for your businesses on our Wastewater Management page.

Where Moray Gets Water From

Moray is a unique position when looking at how water gets sourced. The county gets its water from a mixture of reservoirs and groundwater sources. Unlike other areas of the country further south like Inverclyde, Perthshire etc. which would share water through interconnecting networks to meet demand, much of Moray relies on a county-wide water network.

Demand can sometimes put the network under strain, especially in the summer months, but most people get along fine. Due to the location, water in Moray is exceptionally soft and deemed to be of exceptional quality.

Water Solutions for Moray Businesses

Many people and businesses will be familiar with situations like the shortages in supply in 2018, which saw the council setting up water distribution points. Even though the public network is usually reliable, there is a growing trend for private connections, with over 2,000 properties and businesses having a dedicated supply which isn’t part of Scottish Water’s public network.

If you are concerned about water supply for your business and have been thinking of getting a private connection, please get in touch, and the team will be able to provide advice on what steps to take.

Better Water Billing for Large Businesses

With a vibrant food and drink industry, there are a lot of businesses that rely on a steady flow of water for everything from cleaning to processing to packaging. Especially for multi-site operations. If you have a larger business in Moray and would like to know if water bills can come down, Castle Water may be able to help.

Some of the niche areas our team can help in include agriculture, brewing, dairy, food & drink, hospitality and industrial.

Have a business in Moray? Get in Touch

Every company in Moray should have access to better business water services. If this is something you want your business to take advantage of, talk to Castle Water today.

Call us on 01250 718 700. Lines are open weekdays from 8 am.