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Business water leak detection,
repair and assistance

Water bills high than usual?
You may have a leak

Water leaks are usually unexpected, often invisible, and can be very costly. A moderate leak (1 litre per second) on the mains could significantly impact efficiency, adding approximately £55,000 to an annual water bill.

If you suspect you have a leak, first read our leak assistance guide. Working with our partners, M&S Water Services, we can help pinpoint a leak and carry out any repairs necessary.

Signs of a hidden leak

Indications that a hidden leak may be present include:

  • Unexplained flooding
  • Pooling water
  • Penetrating damp
  • Mould
  • Green areas amid dry ground
  • Increased consumption – resulting in a higher bill 

Pipes can fail at any time, but the following factors increase stress on pipes and joints, making leaks more likely:

  • Corrosion of metal pipes
  • Pipes underneath a roadway with heavy traffic or unpaved surfaces
  • Volatile water pressure
  • Blockages
  • Freezing conditions
  • Metal fatigue

Identifying the leak

Where the water is showing is not always where the leak is located. Our partners have highly trained leak detection specialists who use a range of equipment to prove where the location of the leak is before they start their work.

As part of a site survey, the following things can be completed:

  • All mains water supplies are mapped and zones established
  • Flow rate and average daily usage is recorded
  • Flow and pressure tests are conducted
  • Sounding techniques are deployed with acoustic correlation and ground microphones to pinpoint the leaks location

Leak detection process

During the leak detection procedures, there should be no disruption to the water mains or site operations. In cases where what they are doing will affect you, M & S Water are committed to being as flexible as possible. They can work out of hours or at weekends.

Various techniques are employed to firstly narrow the search for the leak into a zone and then pinpoint the leak, typically to less than half a metre. Some of the techniques employed are described below:

  • Leakage detection (open sounding, correlating, pipe tracing, and ground microphones);
  • Flow and pressure logging, deployment, retrieval, and analysis;
  • Pressure management design and installation;
  • Step testing and zero pressure testing including data logging;
  • Leakage controlled areas set-up and design;
  • Crisis management (pressure checking, logging and monitoring); and water balance analysis.
M&S Water Services
Leak Detection, Repair, and Assistance

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Ready to find your leak?

Fill out the form and someone from M&S Water Services will be in touch.

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Help keep bills up-to-date and accurate

Submit regular meter readings to ensure your bills reflect your consumption patterns.


Only pay for the water your business uses

Don't let overpayments drain your resources. Submit readings to only pay for what you use.

water audit

Track your business water usage and detect leaks early

By tracking your business's water usage, you can catch leaks early and prevent unnecessary water wastage.


Monitor water efficiency to meet sustainability goals

Unlock substantial savings by identifying and rectifying inefficiencies in your water consumption.

Why is it important to submit regular meter readings?

We use your meter readings to calculate your bills to help ensure your business only pays for the water being used. Submitting a meter reading may be additionally important for customers with a reduction in water consumption, to help reflect a change in water usage in your bills.

We encourage all customers who can safely access their water meters to submit monthly meter readings on your online account.

What our customers say about us