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Business Water Supplier Kent

Changing Water Supplier in Kent

There are three main water companies that businesses in the county currently use, and many don’t realise the benefits of making a change. By switching to Castle Water, we help a business save up to 20% on bills while simplifying processes like how trade effluents are treated.

You don’t need to worry about any part of the switch. Castle Water is a leading water supplier in England and will take care of everything from start to finish and make sure there are no interruptions in service. It all starts with a comprehensive water audit. Some water companies will push a small business to switch without fully letting them know what their options are.


Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges

Castle Water supports businesses across the country we aim to be as clear as the water in the taps, that’s why we actively encourage businesses to take part in the services we provide. Some of these include:

Where Kent’s Water Comes From

Kent uses a variety of ways to get clean water to houses and businesses, primarily through a mixture of groundwater, rivers and reservoirs. Groundwater makes up the majority of this, and because much of the area is chalk aquifer, this lends itself to producing hard water.

Water from reservoirs is controlled by Southern Water, but businesses should know that they can switch and save when joining Castle Water.

Our knowledge of the local network enables us to show businesses ways to improve their current water usage and become efficient from top to bottom.  Whether it’s simply through the installation of automatic meter reading or showing how businesses operating across multiple sites can consolidate their bills, our team will actively seek out approaches to help save money and water.

A Water Company Kent Trusts

Castle Water is one of the highest-rated business water suppliers in the UK, with over 3,000 five star reviews from satisfied customers on Trust-pilot.

We aim to simplify the way businesses think about and use water, with the end goal of keeping bills down.

Request a Quote Today

Want to know more about how a business in Kent can save on water bills? Or how to switch water suppliers?

Get in touch directly with the Castle Water team by calling us on 01250 718 700 (Mon -Fri 8 am to 6 pm).

If you have a request out of office houses, please use our contact form, and we’ll promptly get back to you.