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flooding help

Flooding in businesses – How it effects water supply 

Flooding can be a serious and costly issue if not seen to by a professional as soon as possible. It’s important that if your business experiences any sewer flooding, you act as soon as possible, and we’re here to help you with that through expert guidance and advice.

Sewer flooding is a rare issue but when it crops up it could close your business for a meaningful period of time. Often it’s the mains sewer systems rather than your own, so it’s important to make sure that relevant authorities, be it the council or regional supplier, are alerted to the issue and are actively trying to resolve it.

If it is down to your own sewage systems going awry, you will need to act quickly to make sure the immediate repairs needed are handled and you get the right wastewater structure in place to ensure that the issue doesn’t pop up again.


Whether it’s a small leak or a large loss of supply, we’re on hand to help. We will make sure that any incidents are addressed promptly and without any unnecessary expenses

Mitigation of groundwater flooding

The Environment Agency (EA) has assessed ways of mitigating groundwater flooding in areas served by aquifers. Pumping the water is impractical because of the large volume of water involved and the lack of suitable areas to pump the water to. Creating overflow channels to divert flood water from the area and dealing with narrow pinch points will provide effective solutions, but the EA’s main recommendations were for the formation of local action groups and the implementation of measures to protect buildings against flooding and flood damage.

How you can protect your business from flood damage. The aftermath of flooding is often very costly and typically involves replacing many business assets. 

The good news is there are several inexpensive tips that you can implement to help protect your business from a flood:

  • Store expensive business equipment and important documents on upper floor buildings or on shelves and tables on ground floors.
  • Landscape around your business premise or use permeable surfaces in car parks (e.g. gravel) to help improve surface water drainage.
  • Ensure main entrances and outside doors have flood barriers.
  • Keep any vehicles in garages or storage units on site or park on higher ground near the business premise.
  • If your business is located in an area which has a high risk of flooding, consider installing sump pump water drainage systems.

Who To Call For Internal Sewer Flooding

If the issue is internal, you should call out the best emergency plumber available to you, you want to get this job done as quickly and efficiently as you can as you may have to shut your business down while the flooding and subsequent repairs are underway. 

If your sewage flooding is a result of a larger mains flood, call your local council, who will have to call out emergency plumbers. As it is a matter of urgency, ensure that they are on top of maintenance so that you can re-open your business.

Get In Touch With Castle Water

Although we are a supplier, and do not typically handle this, we do seek to equip our customers with the information needed to do so. 

We believe that your supplier should do more than just get you a great deal, they should make sure that you know how to keep bills low, and can help you with vital guidance when things go wrong. If you aren’t getting that now, it may be time to switch

If you would like to discuss information on sewer flooding further, or are interested in our supply services, please don’t hesitate to contact us

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